woodworker414 wrote:
Thanks everyone for the great replies. I am not worried about losing bed space. I have my 5th wheel hitch locked in place. Anyway its to heavy to take out. I won't use the bed for hauling anything. That means I'd have to work, and I don't do that any more.HeHeHe.I like the idea of fueling when I want and probably not having the 5er on the truck. I,m leaning towards a tank 70/90 gal. Grvity flow and I will have it installed. I can't wee well enough to do this kind of work any more.Again, thanks for all the replies. Lots to think about.
With a larger tank don't forget to take the extra weight into consideration. A 36 gallon will add about 250 lbs. and a 90 gallon will add about 630 lbs. You need to figure that in to your payload. That was one of the reasons I went with a 36 gallon tank.