All I can tell you is I love having my 60 gal aux tank. I installed it myself. It has a automatic shut off to keep the factory tank from overflowing. I added a 12 volt motorized shut off valve, which I've only needed to use when changing the spin on fuel filter I have inline. I don't know if it was necessary but I fabricated a vent line hookup in the filler neck of the factory tank & connected it to the vent on the aux tank. With my 35 gal factory & my aux 60 gal I can run 2 days fairly easy when towing. This is the 3rd pickup I've had this same aux tank in. When we feel the need to stop it's nice being able to stop somewhere besides a service station. My pickup is diesel. If it was a gasser I would put in a 12 volt transfer pump and eliminate the gravity flow. Safe travels to you.