Sorry having trouble posting the pipe info.
Go to Home Depot and search "styrene pipe"
Try using this "styrene pipe". Its very inexpensive, flexible to install and very durable. I have this installed over my awning and is travel proof. To install it, I needed two 10' pieces. The pipe has a coupling on one end that will allow additional lengths. (1)You will now cut the pipe to the total distance you need. I needed 17'. (2)You draw a line down the length of the pipe, then draw another parallel line about 1" a part. (3)You are gong to cut the 1" section out down the length of the pipe. Basically you have a C-section of pipe. I used a reciprocating saw. In the construction world a "Sawzall" with a metal blade. I'm a plumbing contractor. The metal blade cuts smoother and doesn't leave to much of a rough edge. I cleaned up the edges with some 100 grit sand paper.(4) Now comes for the install. You can use a ladder or climb on top of your rig. Your going to pry or spread the pipe apart and it will then go over the awning. Do one section at a time with the inter-locking built-in coupling. This cost me less than $20.00.
During the camping season I'll usually leave this off, unless the trip is a long drive, I'll leave it on and take it off when I arrive. Otherwise, this is on during storage time. I hope this helps others out.