Forum Discussion

Golden_boys's avatar
Aug 13, 2014

B & W Hitch

Need some info if anyone has installed a bed saver onto the B & W Companion Hitch. We have the hitch that was made for the Ford truck. Thank you Semper FI
  • The point is that a bed saver is a waste of money with a B&W hitch. Obviously a person can screw up anything if they work at it hard enough, but the odds of it happening with a B&W hitch are huge. You have to work at it to drop your 5th wheel with a B&W hitch.

    If you're paying attention it is impossible to "hi pin" a B&W hitch, pure and simple. Notice the wording: "If you're paying attention". You simply cannot "hi pin" it without it being impossible to miss "If you're paying attention".

    I suppose I could drive off without being aware that I've left my 5th wheel behind, but I guess it could happen...just like "hi pinning" a B&W hitch and not being aware of it. :)
  • Some hitch brand owners seem to think their brand of hitches , not just B-M, can't be hi pinned or dropped. BS.

    Even the commercial types using SAF-Holland hitches (example)can be hi pinned/dropped. Under the right circumstances any brand hitch can be hi pinned or dropped.

    Another safety device that can eliminate damage to the truck and trailer for what ever reason a trailer has dropped;
  • Never even knew about the Bed Saver when I got my Companion and don't see how it would help me, unless I totally FUBAR'd the hitch-up by, as was previously said, leaving the locking arm pinned open and not doing a pull-test. FWIW, I =have= dropped my gooseneck off the ball when hitching up, when my truck rolled and it slipped out from underneath the hitch. Nice dent in my bed floor, right behind the ball.

  • I have been down this road. When we bought our Big Horn, it was our first fifth wheel... The truck we bought to pull it already had a B&W Turnover Ball Gooseneck hitch installed. After only a bit of research, we bought the Companion to go with it. I then proceeded to talk myself into the Bedsaver...after only a very short time. realized that the design of the Companion makes high hitching the fiver virtually impossible...if the jaws close and you can put the safety pin in the hitch, it is hitched...period...cutting to the chase, I would not buy a Bedsaver today to put on a Companion...

  • The fifth wheel latch kit is just one more thing to remember. If you are going to have a bed saver it needs to be automatic.
  • I have heard of only one dropped 5er with a B&W. The guy admitted to locking the handle open.

    They have such thick jaws that high hitching is really unlikely.
  • I was going to post the very same question, as I had just ordered the B&W companion hitch with the turnoverball. After doing some research I installed the clicky partly because I removed it from my last hitch and it was just sitting, anyway what I decided was, even though I have complete confidence in the companion hitch, I think using a bed saver the same as using safety chains, I hope I never need them, but it is there.
  • fj12ryder wrote:
    Really just a needless outlay of cash. You basically have to try to drop your 5th wheel with a B&W hitch.

    Are you serious, here we go again with this foolproof stuff.

    To the OP , I don't know if they sell them for the B&W, but any hitch, and any person can drop a fifth wheel . I have a hitch that I have no idea how I would drop a fifth wheel, that is the big reason I have a bedsaver, I know that I CAN make a mistake.
  • Really just a needless outlay of cash. You basically have to try to drop your 5th wheel with a B&W hitch.