Forum Discussion

slarsen's avatar
Oct 03, 2013

Bathroom venting

Having read and contributed to a couple recent threads about horrible odors in the bathroom, and noting that I closed off the vent alongside the sink which completely eliminated the odor for me (yes, I'll replace the vent when I have the chance, I'm in tiny town CO now) I am wondering:

Is it possible that the vent is actually connected to the black tank, even as it is intended primarily to prevent sucking the water out of the P trap under the sink?

I ask, because the stench was horrible. Raw sewage smell. I just find it hard to believe that the silky white water that comes out of the grey tank could smell like that. All it is, is shower water and hand-washing water. I haven't gone on the roof to count vent stacks, but I just wonder if the manufacturers might be connecting the venting together somehow. It isn't as if the vent by the sink could result in actual water/waste coming in, and if the vent was working properly, there shouldn't be any fumes or problems . . .

Just wondering.