There is so much BS on this forum regarding winter storage of batteries that it boggles the mind.
The best way to store batteries is to have them fully charged, make sure there is NO load on them and leave them in a cold dark place.
If you really want to lug them home put them in your deep freezer.
I have been leaving the batteries in my sailboat on board over the winter for the last 38 years. Charge them in the fall, disconnect all loads and come back to happy batteries in the spring. I have no interest in lugging batteries from the bilge to the deck, down a ladder and along a dock in order to put them into a warm place where they do need battery tenders.
Last winter I charged the batteries Nov 10 and checked them Apr 10. They were at 90% - same as every other year.
The critical piece is to fully charge and the DISCONNECT ALL LOADS.
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