Butch50ExplorerSep 27, 2017Battery cable sizeI want to replace my single battery with 2 Grp 31 AGM deep cycle batteries. What size cable should I use to hook the batteries together?Thanks
Don___Barb_BoguExplorerSep 27, 2017Bigger is better, go with the Welding cable...2oldmanExplorer IISep 27, 2017You can get away with 1/2 the size of the trailer feed, assuming we're talking about 12v batteries.LwiddisExplorer IISep 27, 2017I agree with Time2roll.time2rollNomadSep 27, 2017Same as the main RV cable connection. Probably #6.I recommend the main ground to one battery and the main positive to the other.Pro looking custom cables here:http://www.genuinedealz.com/custom-cables?size=56Most battery studs are 5/16" to get the right lug.SidecarFlipExplorer IIISep 27, 2017I made up my own with welding cable (available by the foot at any welding supply place and crimp on solid copper lugs, also available at the welding store.
2oldmanExplorer IISep 27, 2017You can get away with 1/2 the size of the trailer feed, assuming we're talking about 12v batteries.
time2rollNomadSep 27, 2017Same as the main RV cable connection. Probably #6.I recommend the main ground to one battery and the main positive to the other.Pro looking custom cables here:http://www.genuinedealz.com/custom-cables?size=56Most battery studs are 5/16" to get the right lug.
SidecarFlipExplorer IIISep 27, 2017I made up my own with welding cable (available by the foot at any welding supply place and crimp on solid copper lugs, also available at the welding store.
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