Forum Discussion

woodguy00's avatar
May 29, 2017

Battery draw

My Rockwood 8289 came with Group24 12 volt "marine" battery. First time dry camping this weekend, after being plugged in for a couple days, it discharges in about two hours of use. the only things we have on is our the propane refrigerator and the interior LED lights plus various monitor lights. If we use the propane heating, then the fan draws it down even faster.

Would you call this normal life before recharging? The dealer tested the battery yesterday and all readings showed 100% normal. I need to use 12 volt CPAP but don't have it this weekend. Not sure if it would make it through the night.

Do you leave fridge on overnight on propane? How about the fan on the furnace. We turned both off overnight with no CO beeping before morning. That was good.

I've read a bunch of posts on RV electricity but want to know what others experiences are with the stock batteries

  • If you plan on dry camping you should think about getting four 6 volt golf cart batteries and some solar would help extend your dry camping past the weekend.