Forum Discussion

tko9900's avatar
Apr 06, 2018

Bedroom AC

Want to install 2nd AC in a 2013 Silverback. It has a ducted system from the lower area AC to the BR. Will the 2nd AC be able to tap into the ducted system or will I have to use a non ducted AC & just dump all the air into the BR? Contacted the factory & they were no help at all, told me to contact the dealer which will be my very last choice.
  • We have a 2012 Silverback with one AC in the middle, and its wired for a second in the front bedroom. I just purchased a second AC to install in the front...which I hope to do sometime in May (due to weather here).
    Mine is wired with power only, and no thermostat wires, but has the option to tie into the ducts. I want this second AC tied into the current duct system, which requires a certain ceiling assembly, which does not have thermostat controls. Therefore I will have to figure out a way to get the thermostat wires to a wall location.

    I guess to better answer your question, you should remove the trim-work that is in the vent location now. Should jut be four screws. Take that down, and you will see if you have power, stat wires, and if the ducts are there to tie into.

    Good luck!
  • On my ducted system, the BR A/C goes directly into the ducting. It does not have an inside grill that lets air dump into the BR. Some of the cooling air makes it to the rear LR . Generally we use both A/C's to more rapidly cool the unit down as we setup. The BR A/C is fairly loud and only use it in Texas in the warmer months.