memtb wrote:
“If” money is no object......New Horizons, out of Kansas! Their Summit line is still head and shoulders above most anything else....and somewhat affordable. If you will consider buying used.....they get a lot more affordable! memtb
Most people say they want the best until they hear the price.
The trouble with most high end products is devaluation. If you purchase a New Horizon, Rolls-Royce or Bentley 5 years down the road you have lost a heck of a lot of money. This can be a advantage to buying used.
I think the CEO of Keystone said it best, (We build more Montana's in a week than New Horizon builds in a year).
Most people will purchase a new (affordable) rather then a used late model High end trailer. Most people don't even know the difference. Don't believe me, look at the answer's that think low end trailers are high end.