4x4ord wrote:
colliehauler wrote:
memtb wrote:
“If” money is no object......New Horizons, out of Kansas! Their Summit line is still head and shoulders above most anything else....and somewhat affordable. If you will consider buying used.....they get a lot more affordable! memtb
Most people say they want the best until they hear the price.
The trouble with most high end products is devaluation. If you purchase a New Horizon, Rolls-Royce or Bentley 5 years down the road you have lost a heck of a lot of money. This can be a advantage to buying used.
I think the CEO of Keystone said it best, (We build more Montana's in a week than New Horizon builds in a year).
Most people will purchase a new (affordable) rather then a used late model High end trailer. Most people don't even know the difference. Don't believe me, look at the answer's that think low end trailers are high end.
Depreciation on a 250,000 unit is definitely going to bother some. The other thing that makes a high end fiver less desirable for some is the weight. With quality comes weight. I think one of the smallest Continental Coach 5vers weighed about 26,000 lbs empty... New Horizons is likely .considerably less.
Most of the New Horizons I've seen are extremely heavy with three axles and people use class 7 or 8's to pull them. So you are correct in needing a special truck for large units. I live about a hour from the plant and have gone through the plant. You really see a difference in how they are made. Workers take their time and do it correctly.
The first thing you do is sit down with a designer on a custom build and pick out what you want.
The company owner also camps in his custom built unit.
The Summitt is pre-designed and a little more affordable.