cummins2014 wrote:
memtb wrote:
I “must” take a differing view on Lippert frames! They “may” build to the manufacuring specifications.....but, they have been plagued with quality control issues. These issues have “zero” to do with manufacturing specifications!!! memtb
Its funny to hear I have zero issues, when weld quality can raise its ugly head on any unit , including the high end such as the Mobile suites. Building specs having nothing to do with the quality of the weld, if it's poorly welded its coming apart .
Its hard to understand ,why we get to hear ,I have had zero issues, well that sure doesn't make the person or persons that are having the issues feel any better . Just because one doesn't have an issue, doesn't mean others didn't or couldn't .
You're right that one person having zero issues doesn't mean a lot but the DRV frame is stronger by design than most other 5vers out there. I think you'd have a hard time comming up with any stories of DRV frame failures.