Having had 2 Grand Designs, currently a Solitude, I would not buy another. There is nothing Grand, at least not anymore.
This current one has more issues than you can shake a stick at including frame flex now causing sealants to fail. I feel eventually we'll be facing cracks in the filon skin at some point. Grand Designs stellar service is no longer stellar. They might send you some cheap parts if you hound them enough, but the days of bending over backwards for the customer are over. What someone else said is dead on, they delete most of the negativity from their Facebook pages or factory sponsored forum. They build mediocre mass produced RVs like most of the others. What they still are able to maintain is a cult like following of owners who drink their Kool-Aid. I never joined.
For the price, look at the Keystone Montana. Compare the size of the main frame rail to a comparably sized Grand Design and most others. You'll like what you see.