cummins2014 wrote:
Me Again wrote:
One of the best frames was the Young's Welding frame that NuWa/Hitchhiker used for many years. Front over hang was manufactured with REAL channel iron.
Whats REAL channel iron , thats a new one, I would assume channel thats rolled instead of bent ?? Yes rolled channel has the flanges getting thicker as it gets closer to the web, giving it more strength . Depends on the application I guess if you think it takes REAL channel .
Technically. there is Bar Channel... "C" Channel ( most used ).."U" Channel... MC Ship Channel ( dual certified), A "ROLLED" channel is fabricated and in my eyes, not as strong as the bend would be a weak spot .
When I was young and innocent, :-) I was working for the family business and my job one summer was Hydrostatic testing tubing welds and cuts... if I got soaked, it was bad :S