cummins2014 wrote:
ford truck guy wrote:
cummins2014 wrote:
Me Again wrote:
One of the best frames was the Young's Welding frame that NuWa/Hitchhiker used for many years. Front over hang was manufactured with REAL channel iron.
Whats REAL channel iron , thats a new one, I would assume channel thats rolled instead of bent ?? Yes rolled channel has the flanges getting thicker as it gets closer to the web, giving it more strength . Depends on the application I guess if you think it takes REAL channel .
Technically. there is Bar Channel... "C" Channel ( most used ).."U" Channel... MC Ship Channel ( dual certified), A "ROLLED" channel is fabricated and in my eyes, not as strong as the bend would be a weak spot .
When I was young and innocent, :-) I was working for the family business and my job one summer was Hydrostatic testing tubing welds and cuts... if I got soaked, it was bad :S
To many to list hot rolled ,cold rolled ,MC ,standard etc etc . A-36, A-588 the list list goes on. Most likely ALL trailer frames use standard channel A-36, but I don't know for sure or if they get special rollings. We got special rollings that we fabricated for solar panel posts that you see in those big solar fields out of Las Vegas ,we cut ,and punch literally hundreds of thousands of those posts . If you looked at them they looked just like guardrail posts, but were lighter in the flange, and web.
Yes, TOO MANY to list, with a wide range of sizes.. Been cutting and selling that and other steel, aluminum, stainless, tool steel almost all my life..