Forum Discussion

elainecp's avatar
Feb 03, 2014

Best RV toilet

Can anyone suggest the best toilet to put into our 5th wheel. We currently have Aqua Magic Style Plus. This is our 4th winter using the trailer, the first two being short stays. The handle fell off and will not stay on now. Looks like we will have to replace and do not want the same toilet as we have a neighbor here that is having the same issue with the same toilet. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
  • Yeah i don't think there is much difference. Porcelain is what I prefer but the plastic bowls are just fine. The mechanisms, i believe, are fairly similar unless you have a macerator version. Not sure there is significant differences between them otherwise.

    Head on over to camping world or your local dealer and check them out, sit on them and see what fits you.
  • elainecp wrote:
    Can anyone suggest the best toilet to put into our 5th wheel. We currently have Aqua Magic Style Plus. This is our 4th winter using the trailer, the first two being short stays. The handle fell off and will not stay on now. Looks like we will have to replace and do not want the same toilet as we have a neighbor here that is having the same issue with the same toilet. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    What handle are you talking about on a style plus? We've had 3 style plus and they have one foot pedal in the front and no handle on any part on the toilet. All parts and pieces are readily available for this unit and easy to repair. rockin'

    On edit: You may have one of the Aqua Magic models and not the style plus. May want to check to see exactly what you have. If indeed you have one of the Aqua may be right in getting rid of it. I think they are older models. The new Thetford Residential model in the high profile may be what you want. It look likes china but only weighs 10 lbs.
  • Go test out the different brands of porcelain toilets and pick the one you think is the most comfortable. There is not much difference between them until you get to the really expensive ones. Remember, there are two heights of pots out there. I wish we have toe tall one but we are both tall people.
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