4x4ord wrote:
I often have two fifth wheels. I buy my replacement first then put the old one up for sale after we move everything across to the new one. By the time I get the old one sold I'm about ready to to get a replacement again. Good for you for doing the hard part first.
Sucked that it took almost 2 full years to get the Komfort sold. Was that d@mn low-profile that killed me. I =seriously= thought about scrapping the top, salvaging all that I could, and =building= a new FW on that heavy Zieman frame. Hell, a 29', single 14' slide, low profile FW that GROSSES 11,360 lbs? Full Al cage with 16" on-center studs. A real beast... I'm looking at rigs 2-3' longer, with 3 slides and >12' tall that gross 500-600 lbs =less=! Crazy.