Forum Discussion

MainerBob's avatar
Feb 10, 2014

Black tank flusher

My flusher connection has a label saying the black tank dump valve has to be open when using the flusher. I have been closing it with the flush turned on in order to get some water in the tank, and then I open the valve to get more water moving. AS long as I don't completely fill the black tank and burst it, am I in any danger with what I am doing?

Also, once it is clean, I run the flush for about 3 minutes to preload the black tank with water. Okay?
  • The method here is to turn the flusher on first to add more water to help the dump flow better. Once empty, close the dump valve for a couple minutes then open again. When empty close the dump valve & continue to let the flusher run letting in a few gallons to slosh around on the way to the next destination.

    This method takes a bit of time. We are late departers so we are not the ones holding up others with our time consuming dump ritual. If in a line we don't bother with the flush at all. It is dump & go. Just a few minutes from wheels stop to wheels go.
  • Ivylog's avatar
    Explorer III
    I usually start with the flusher on first. Pull the grey handle briefly to see if the hose is OK and then pull the black. Shut it when the black is empty and wait 30 seconds and open the black again. Shut it when empty and pull the grey. After about 30 seconds I stow the flusher hose and by then the grey is done. This keeps me busy enough that I'm not tempted to leave the area while the flusher is running.
  • austinjenna wrote:
    I do as you do. I drain the black tank until I see no more water coming out (thru the clear adapter). Then I start the black tank flush. I will close the black tank valve for a 2-3 minutes, then open it until water mostly stops, then close it again for another 2-3 minutes, then open it, and repeat until I see nearly all clear water coming out.

    I do the same routine.

    Same here
  • I do as you do. I drain the black tank until I see no more water coming out (thru the clear adapter). Then I start the black tank flush. I will close the black tank valve for a 2-3 minutes, then open it until water mostly stops, then close it again for another 2-3 minutes, then open it, and repeat until I see nearly all clear water coming out.

    I do the same routine.
  • The label is a MFG. CYA label for those that overfill their tanks and blow water out the roof vent, out the toilet and or out top of tank from blown seals.
    That why the can say.......'Told you so!"

    I turn on the flusher and then open dump valve......when tank has emptied I close it for a partial fill and then dump again. Close dump valve, count to 30 and then turn off flusher. Just need enough water to keep bottom of tank wet.
  • I do as you do also. Never had any issues, but I also agree that to get distracted and let it run too long would not be a good thing! :(
  • It only takes being distracted once and baaad, very baaad things will happen.
  • I run water in for 4 minutes twice as part of my weekly snowbird flushing process. Just do not get distracted. Chris
  • I do as you do. I drain the black tank until I see no more water coming out (thru the clear adapter). Then I start the black tank flush. I will close the black tank valve for a 2-3 minutes, then open it until water mostly stops, then close it again for another 2-3 minutes, then open it, and repeat until I see nearly all clear water coming out.
  • would not run it that long one half minute only need 1 to 2 gallons for chemical