joelc wrote:
If you have the valve closed and liquid soaking in the exit pipe be very careful when removing the exterior pipe cover. I once had my RV serviced and the service center evidently opened the valve and then closed it without dumping. By the time I had emptied from my first camping trip there was a large pressure build up in the pipe due to heat and the contents brewing. I got it all over me with a burst of power. So, don't let it sit for days.
That is a mess right there. My last camping trip I don't know if someone pulled a handle at home or some leaked through the valve but when I went to pull the cap off to put the. Hose there was a considerable amount of fluid behind it. It almost got messy real fast. I have since put a valve on the end next to the cap so if one of the other valves is pulled it won't pressure up the cap.