knshook wrote:
garysol wrote:
We will have 6 days total camping time plus driving days. I plan to drive west for 2 or 3 days then the misses will fly out to meet me for the 6 days then she will have to fly back home while I make the drive....
Goodness. I think you better plan on just Yellowstone with,perhaps, a quick look see at Teton NP.
I'd have to agree. Trying to see too many places in too short a time really doesn't work. All you do is build up a list of "what I'll see next trip", and a lot of frustration at having to leave before you want to in order to rush to the next stop. I just finished a 304 day trip across the US, visited a number of places on my bucket list, but even with that much time I have ended up with just as many new places to see on future trips.
With only 6 days, I'd stick with seeing Yellowstone, and spend one day driving the tow vehicle to and through the Tetons.