Forum Discussion

SDM's avatar
Oct 28, 2018

Bumper step

Does anyone have a bolt on bumper step? Likes and dislikes for brands would be helpful.
  • I got a step from Tractor Supply that goes in receiver hitch.
  • Harbor Freights has a swing off ladder that bolts onto the tailgate. works well for me. About $50.
  • X whatever on Amp Research. It is a little pricey for a step, but I bought it on sale and there was also a mail in rebate.

    It is incredibly easy to install and use.
  • I also have the Amp Research. They're kinda expensive, but I use it a lot. I had it on my 2016 Ram and when I bought my 2018 I removed it from the old and bolted it onto the new. Easy installation, easy to use and is quite sturdy.
  • I also have the Amp bed step and agree that it works great. Pricey for what it's designed to do but I'm glad I bought it. I also don't have to worry about whether I put it back up. If I forget, I can still drive the truck.
  • I have a Harbor Freight aluminum step to access my hitch. It has also been handy for many other things.
  • No but I have this Tire Step and it works great. Just don't forget to take it off your tire before you move the truck, I haven't yet but I worry about it. I only use it on the driver's side so I have a good chance to see it before taking off. It instantly goes on and off and is well built and sturdy.