Cummins12V98 wrote:
cummins2014 wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
Learjet wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
HA, I just realized that my Dad has the RVK3500 in the bed of his 2014 3500 LB SRW RAM. I will do exactly what I said I can do and post the pics.
This will be FUN, Stay tuned!!!
Still tuned and I think I'm reading the words just right :R
Be patient my Son. :B
Hey, I got to go fishing ,can't keep waiting around by the computer . :B
Hey I understand, gotta get out and get um when u can. 22" minimum size and a 14# Chinook yesterday. Today only one 4#.

Nice , I’m mostly just trout , been salmon fishing a few times . Prefer fly fishing . Headed to Montana for six weeks here in a few days . Getting the rig ready to go . Don’t hurt your back on that hitch for us . :)