MFL wrote:
Wow...lots of great pics, worth the wait for sure! :)
This is the man, that many of us wish we still were. Not only a healthy, strong man, but a man that backs up what he says. You did a great job 12V, especially with that heavy bulky base.
I could lift that head piece (about 75 lbs), maybe with one hand?? I could not lift the base, up/down from the ground, by myself, using both hands.
Thanks for taking the time to post these pictures, with explanations.
Lots of great folks on these forums, many of which I like to call friends. We can always choose our friends, relatives...not so much! :)
I'm hoping he got out of bed okay this morning . :B It was just that one handed comment ,had no doubt with that weight someone can lift it . I'm 75 I can still lift ,I just chose not to . I put my hoist in the ceiling of the garage ,so I could take out the whole works ,hitch , and the adapter, but I am talking in the neighborhood of at least 300 lbs, Reese Signature 18K , with a bed saver I fabricated attached to it ,and the Reese adapter . I even use the hoist now to take out the Andersen ,with the adapter ,both at the same time . I just release the four lugs ,hook it up ,and remove. It's a 10 minute job if I hurry ,but I don't .
All total is around 150 lbs . I thing the Andersen is around 70-75 ,and the Reese adapter the same. I used to lift them out separately by hand if I wanted to remove them . Now I don't even do that , the hoist is right there . Anyway headed to Montana fishing , Oh I put the Andersen ,and adapter back in the other day ,ya I used the hoist ,SO much easier . ;)
Ron ,thanks for the pictures , but was hoping for a video with commentary . :) I think you would have to agree , wouldn't just the push of a button on a $ 150 electric hoist for someone that needs to remove theirs more often than say you or I . I really don't need to remove mine at all. I took mine out to clean it , and repaint both the adapter ,and the Andersen , both were looking faded .