My DW doesn't want to learn to tow the trailer. SHe explains it like this.
"Sure, I can drive it down the road. No problem there. But what scares me is some of the sticky situations we can get into. Or what happens when something goes wrong? No way you can tell me what to do in all situations. I don't want to get into a problem due to un-forseen circumstances, and put anyone's life at risk."
I try to tell her that nobody knows what is going to happen around the next curve. But all we can do is the best we can at the time. And that we all act upon things with instinct.
Her response..."Yeah, but I don't want to do the wrong thing by instinct. I can react with instinct in my little car. But with something that is 10 times longer, and 10 times heavier my instinct may be incorrect. The risk is too much."
I don't push it. But I ask her..."OK, but what happens if we're on the road and I cannot continue to drive for some reason?" To which see replies..."I'll call your brother or my son to comes get me. They can be here in a couple days. And I can live in the trailer till they get here. That is no problem."
And she is right. But, I still wish she would try it.