When my ICD (Implanted Cardioverter Defibrillator) "zapped" me two mornings in a row in October of 2009 in Tucson, I opted to not drive the Phaeton on a regular basis. Before this event we shared the driving. I have logged less than 500 miles at the wheel of the Class A, while Scottiemom has driven it close to 40,000 miles. I still get in the driver's seat in campgrounds and do the parking, since we found that it's a much quicker setup if she's giving the parking/spotting directions for the campsite. After about a year I began to drive the toad and later our B+ on a shared basis. On our recent trip to Alaska, my wife had major knee pain and needed a rest from driving. When we dis-embarked from the ferry on the west coast, I drove the B+ across Canada to within 200 miles of our Indiana starting point, when she took the wheel back for the Chicago leg.