Forum Discussion

bbaker2001's avatar
Jun 08, 2016

cancer is back

well, looks like we will lose our summer on Oregon coast also. January wife diagnosed with cancer. no camping in AZ. 4 operations, thought we were ready for Oregon coast. on follow up, found cancer has come back in 3 places. we will get a treatment plan
next wed. am pretty sure it will consist of radiation and chemo. we will be asking if we can still go camping, but, might have to take the right kidney.

will take any info about what to expect. this was all so sudden. never been sick before, turned 62, put in for retirement, and then this.
would love to put it off for 2 months, but am told it is aggressive.
anyway, we have 50 days of state parks on coast starting July 4. if interested, I can give dates so someone could get them
  • I am really sorry to hear this, we are going through the same thing. My wife had her cancerous right kidney removed in 2011 but spots showed up on her lung during a routine scan. All the best to both of you, this isn't easy.
  • I'm sorry to hear this, and hope for the best for y'all. A friend of mine gave up on the doctors here, and went to Mexico for an unapproved treatment, and is doing better.
  • When my wife was on chemo sometimes she couldn't get out of bed and we stay'd home. Other times she felt pretty OK and we would camp somewhere local within 2 hours. When we did go somewhere she enjoyed sitting in RV and reading then sleeping...(repeat...). So maybe you can still go out somewhere.
  • So sorry to hear the news. I can only imagine how disheartening this is for you. As for your wife, I can't even imagine the sense of uncertainty, and the gamut of feelings and emotions she must be experiencing.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you both, bbaker2001.
  • the very best to you , my girl had a kidney transplant 16yrs ago ,you,d never know it,she does everything. watchs her diet and takes her meds ,she knows more about numbers than the docs. good luck ,find a place close to home.
  • I certainly would comply exactly with the doctor's suggestions/instructions. I am doing that myself. That's your best hope for a happy outcome. I'm glad that I had my trusted primary care doc watching over me in the hospital, he caught a problem which could have had bad results and also he can help translate what the specialists are saying.
  • I can really sympathize with you, I had Melanoma 11 years ago but fortunately caught it at stage 1-2. And this year I had a subdural hematoma for no obvious reason, with a burr hole craniotomy. I have doctor appointments stacked up for the next couple of months but I'm going to see if I can shuffle some around to clear 5 or 6 weeks.

    I hope that all will go well with your wife, I certainly believe that the Lord was watching over me this summer.