Allworth wrote:
We started out with a 99 Cameo. Bullet proof. We loved it, but it was small.
By the way, it is Cameo by Carriage. Carriage RV was the manufacturer. Now the same executives run Lifestyle.
I do not believe for a second, that the same executives, engineers and production line workers that work for and built Carriage are working for lifestyle as I was lead to believe, when I spoke to upper management, many, many times with my concerns about workmanship and quality control inspections during the build process prier to ordered my lifestyle as I explained to them, about my night mirror of owning a redwood.
Typical salesmanship BS, starting at the top. I have owned this defective lifestyle for 19 months. it has been in the shop or waiting for repairs, approx. 14 months. It's in the shop now. 300 miles away as per lifestyle,as no one, I'm aware of or lifestyle will deal with lifestyle for warranty work.
If anyone has questions or concerns, PM me with your phone # as it would be a very very long email to explain all the problems and repairs that have been done or attempted with this defective lifestyle, which includes it being at the lifestyle repairs center for 13 weeks.