Me Again wrote:
pcm1959 wrote:
I have some questions for those of you with the disc brakes: maintenance is virtually eliminated with disc, right?
That may not be completely true. Many report that the pins that hold the calipers have to be serviced regularly.
I was going to do the swap last fall. I ended up installing new shoes, wiring axles in a star with #12 wire and installing a Max Brake controller. Result was fantastic improvement with no lag and no more Prodigy jerking! Chris
Once every year I use my TrailerAid Plus and take one tire at a time off and grease the wet bolts and re lube the slide bolts with silicone grease on the calipers and also lube the metal to metal parts on the calipers. These brakes are better than any I have ever used by far, even better now with the awesome MaxBrake.
My Dad said his HH Premier's electric brakes worked much better with his new 12 Ram with Heavy Electric selected on his integrated brake controller.
But for some reason he just purchased a Kodiak Disk Brake kit from E Trailer. I will let you know if he thinks it was worth the money.