1) get a can of carburetor parts cleaner
Link2) Take pictures or make mental notes on how the linkage, choke and wires are attached.
3) remove carb and if possible, gaskets.
3.5) plug intake manifold opening with a clean rag or bag.
4) remove all screws and such from the carb. The goal is to disassemble as much as you can.
5) These carbs have staked-in plugs. You need to drill out the plugs to gain access to the jets. A very small drill bit is needed. Use a hooked tool inserted into the hole you drilled to remove the plug. You will reuse the plugs upon carb assembly.
6) get a can of spray carb cleaner and spray the jet passages.
7) place all metal carb parts in the basket provided with the carb parts cleaner and soak them for one day. Do not soak plastic, gaskets or any other non-metal parts, clean them by hand.
8) after soaking, dry off with lint free cloth and then rinse with hot water. Use compressed air to dry the parts off after rinse.
9) reassemble carb.
10) re-stake plugs using a small punch. Apply some jbweld to the holes you drilled to plug them. Use gravity to insure no jbweld gets into the passages through the hole.
11) protect your eyes, cleaner can spray out and get you. and it hurts.