Forum Discussion

DIVE2XS's avatar
Apr 19, 2017

Commercial versus private weights requirements

Looking to replace our RV tow vehicle with a diesel 1 ton pickup and fifth wheel. During some shopping for a 1-ton a Salesman at a car dealership mentioned that there is a requirement between private and Commercial as far as weights. This will decide whether you need to bring it into an inspection station or Port of Entry.
I find this interesting as I've been driving commercial with a Class A for the last number of years and have yet to see an RV pull into a inspection station.
I know there's requirements for driver's licensing between weights of pull trailers and fifth wheels in RVs however I am not aware of any special licensing with tags or stickers that require the need to be inspected or the need to go through inspection stations during traveling.
Does anyone know of a website that I can go through that supports this through the DOT?
  • This topic comes up on the forums occasionally. Apart from the signs in your state on the interstate that say "No Pickups" just prior to the weigh stations you might go to the Caltrans (California Department of Transportation) webpages and look the information up for yourself. I would not take the salesman's word as especially accurate.
  • I think there is a lot of variation between the states so it really depends on where you live. I'd start with your state DOT.