Forum Discussion

stationaryfullt's avatar
Jul 09, 2017

Considering moving to Grand Design Reflection 307MKS

I've had a 2008 Jayco Eagle 328RLS now for 8 years and have it completely paid off. Since it's getting a bit long in the tooth in terms of impending major appliance failures, as evidenced by the fridge dying, I decided to start looking for a replacement. Last week I stopped by a local RV dealer and came across the Grand Design Reflection 307MKS. Being a fulltimer with a full desktop PC, I immediately fell in love with it. It ticks all the boxes in terms of:

  • Having a nice size built-in desk
  • Plenty of kitchen counter space
  • Being light enough to be towed by my 1989 Chevy Dually
  • Under 35 feet long

When I spoke to the salesperson is where I started to not be pleased. The dealer was claiming a $62,000 base price, and that he "talked his manager down to" $49,000 and can give me $7,500 for my existing camper. I feel like it's still a little high. I'm hoping I can negotiate having them install slide toppers/awnings over all the slides and putting a dishwasher in the island, but am I asking too much, or not enough?

Honestly, I paid asking price for my 1-year old Jayco when I bought it used from a different dealer. I probably could have negotiated it down lower, but I was naive then...

Thanks for any help and suggestions offered!
  • Effectively, he was offering it for $41,00 after the trade-in, but I knew it sounded high. As I was trying to get out of there, he grabbed his buddy to try out the "salesman Jedi mind tricks" to get me to buy on the spot, which included giving me another $1,000 for my trade-in. I knew it was still high and I wasn't ready to buy anyway, so I walked out.

    Would countering with $35,000, adding the slide toppers and dishwasher, plus my trade-in be a good move? At retail prices, 3 slide toppers plus installation should come close to 2 grand. A dishwasher installed would be another $500 or so. Of course, their cost for parts and labor would be lower, but would probably not count towards a loss in commission, which of course the number the salesman is looking for.
  • According to the GD app which provides MSRP pricing, the base price on your unit is $45,493, Plus $6,300 in mandatory options and $2,513 for the mandatory 12cu. Ft. refrigerator for a total of $54,306. There are other smaller options that add to the price but nothing I see that would add up $62,000. That's a dealer made up MSRP. Most everyone agrees that 25% off MSRP is a given, with others doing 30% or better. I would expect you should be able to buy that for $41,000 (assuming low ball of 25% off) - give or take. No love from that dealer.
  • Ok just had to ask. If you are comfortable with a 5er and its towing traits no real reason not to upgrade. Quick check of RV Trader for that unit shows a range of prices from a low of 45K to a high of 61K.
    As you said, your not a newbie anymore, so you know that dealer add ons and fees are a huge pert of the issue. What did your dealer have on those?
    Everything is negotiable including the transportation and documentation fees, work them all. I guarantee the dealer is working all those numbers.
    You can replace a roof AC and a couple of tires for the extra $43,000 he wants, make him earn it.
  • I do mostly stay put, but once or twice a year I'd like to go out for a trip. My current trailer is a travel trailer. I'm moving up to a 5er because I was already technically overweight pulling my Jayco with my Suburban, which meant I couldn't add any slide-outs.
  • How often do you move? Not being snarky but your screen name makes it seem that you pretty much stay put.
    If that is the case why get another 5 er?
    The advantage to a 5er is towing ease, if you stay put, you are not using that advantage.