I bought across the border last year from Pete's RV in Schererville Indiana. Saved megabucks over the prices here in Calgary. As far as warranty services, ALL the local Keystone dealers won't touch you with a 10 foot pole! I had a few minor items that should have been covered by warranty. I phoned every Keystone dealer I could find and the response was always the same "Did you buy from us?" No. "Did you buy in Canada?" No. "Sorry, we won't be able to help you." When pressed for a reason why, they all would make various excuses and finally say they were just too busy. IMHO that was total BS but it convinced me that I would NEVER EVER buy anything from them in future. My business will be from the US dealer who gave me a fair purchase price. I was able to phone Pete's and have a couple replacement parts shipped to me under warranty but the local dealers all acted like a bunch of pr***cks. I called Keystone and complained to them but they say they have no authority to force dealers to do warranty work.
Basically, if you buy across the border, you are on your own as far as warranty is concerned. BUT, I would do it again in a heartbeat because of the major dollars that I saved over the local stealers.
Give Pete's RV in Schererville a call. They are GREAT to deal with.