Forum Discussion

Nutinelse2do's avatar
Nov 13, 2013

De Humidifier?

We are from and have always camped mostly in the South Western US and not used to high humidity.

In previous posts, I had read horror stories about soaking wet mattresses, water dripping from inside ceilings, etc. but most of these post have been in the TC forum.

When full timing in our 5r, are we going to run into the same problem in areas of high humidity? If so, do you have a de humidifier, and what brand/ model # is best bang for the buck?

Thanks everyone for your ideas and experienced opinions.
  • Some time back the Solarius (I think) was the one quite a few were talking about. We are on our 3rd year with ours. Works well and can be had from one of the big box stores. Good Luck
  • The Frigidaire (which was recalled) which we had last year was a 30/40 pint ..

    This year we have a "True Value" 20 pint dehumidifier and find for our rig that running it in the bedroom with the blower turned towards the front room that we are ok here on the Central Oregon Coast ..

    We chose this year to go with a 20 pint dehumidifier - and sometimes we need to empty it in the mornings and evenings, but mostly only once/day.
  • Here's the one that I chose. It's large, but we use it in our home when not in the RV.
    There is a long list of dehumidifiers that have been recently recalled, and this one was not included, and also had good reviews.

    70 pint humidifier
  • Pangaea Ron wrote:
    Here's a link to a related thread.

    Condensation Link

    Thank you for the link. I guess this answers one of my questions. For those of you who do have de humidifiers, what brand and model?
