Forum Discussion

Rolo2's avatar
Apr 08, 2014


I started the process of de-winterizing today and quickly got stumped . The water pressure from my home supply removed all of the pink from all of the water facets inside and outside until clear water came out . After a brief brake to attend some other matters , I retried the faucets again , bathroom sink , toilet , and shower . Outside hoses also. When I tried the kitchen sink I had no pressure . A steady stream of water , but no pressure like the first try. No kinks suspected from the fee as everywhere else seems to work fine . Cold this be related to the heater system or am I air bound ? This is a fairly new unit , the 345 ret sierra by forest river , 2011. HELP!
  • If water is running OK to commode, bath sink etc., check under the kitchen sink and see if you have an in-line water filter. If so, replace. Pink stuff stoops them up.
  • A 6-12 gallon water heater takes a long time to fill. I usually dewinterize the lines while the water heater is still in bypass. Then once that is done, I hope the pressure relief valve and switch from WH bypass to normal and let it fill till the water somes out of the pressure relief. Then run the hot water faucets again to remove the remaining air in the tank.
  • If only the hot water has limited pressure the tank may be filling or it may be in bypass from winterization. Also some units have restrictions in the hot water line.
    Also a hose gasket with a wire strainer is a good preventative measure to prevent debris from entering the unit.
  • first thought is the hot water tank. If you opened cold taps first run thru everything would look right. Second run, if you opened the hot tap you could be losing pressure to the heater.
    second thought is there is an open valve somewhere, not letting pressure build.
    put water in your fresh water holding tank and try pressurizing the system with your 12v pump. If all OK it should shut off and hold.
  • You may want to check the traps in the faucets...when we did this (unfortunately at a campsite) a couple of weeks ago we had water in the tub but no where else (33ft TT). Turns out it was debris clogging up the traps. We winterized with an air compressor.
  • Thanks , but I did have pressure at this faucet 10 min. prior to a recheck . All others worked just fine . Is air a possabilaty? I will check that screen at sun up though.
  • If you have pressure at the other outlets check the aerator on your faucet. It is a screen on the end of the faucet.

    If you don't have pressure at any of the outlets then the screen where you hook your water hose to the RV may be plugged.