Forum Discussion

csamayfield55x's avatar
Sep 03, 2015

Destroyed a Reese 16K

So my inlaws showed up last week for a couple days. We had a project to do before a 2 week trip for them so they brought their 5er. He wanted me to install the JT strongarm kit for him and of course I agreed. When they got to my house he had a slight emergency (restroom) and asked me to back his trailer in. I jumped in his truck and started backing up. Noticed a lot of front to back motion and then heard a loud BANG!!! Didn't see any issue's so parked the trailer and went about getting him set.
After the weekend we went to hook him up and he noticed a piece of steel laying in the bed of the truck. I didn't recognize it so I pulled the hitch head off and immediately found both front and back frames bent AND a big weld broked in half right at the jaws.

My first thought was to just weld it in and get them going. Next was to call Reese. Once I sent them some pics we decided that this head was junk and time to figure out plan B. That piece of steel is what stops the jaws from shifting back and forth in the hitch head. Reese said it looked like he high hitched at some point and bent that bracket causing front and back motion that just got worse. It weakened it enough that if finally snapped.

The good news is the RV dealer about 30 miles a way had a nice shiny new Anderson Ultimate that I talked him into and he is now a VERY happy man!! He couldn't believe how much slop was in that Reese!!

Here are a couple more pics

Hope this helps someone else

  • With the hitch showing the signs of rust on pivot point, I believe the hitch had some previous damage. You didn't do it, in-laws were towing with a damaged hitch.
    Call Reese, get more photos. They maybe able to help.
  • B&W is near-impossible to high-hitch, even if you try. Just sayin'... :-)

  • I think every manufacturer carries a line of inexpensive products. Not sure I would buy a 16k hitch from any company. When I FTd in my 5ver I had the 20k Reese Pro hitch series. Tilted both directions. Never had a problem. It was a pricey hitch. Of coarse any product that gets abused will fail over time. (quoting what Reese said). I was a trained commercial driver I always got out and looked before backing into a hitch. Probably why I never high hitched or dropped my 5ver on the bed. Plus I always latched the hitch after hooking up just to make sure it was hitched properly. Yup, PITA getting out of my comfy seat but worth it. JMHO
  • My BIL had a similar problem on his 16k Reese hitch a few weeks ago. I didn't see the hitch myself, but the rv dealer he goes to said it would have failed when backing up. He was given a new 18k hitch from Reese.