I put on Kodiak with a Carlisle actuator last fall and I love them. I have 6k dexters with 8 lug hubs so that allowed me to use the 8k kit with the biggest rotors and calipers. Morryde was using Carlisle when I talked to them. I've read some brake controllers don't work well. Check on that before you do it. The Carlisle is voltage controlled. My Jordan controller reads amps and it only goes up to about 2amps max with the Carlisle but the voltage range for the controller is about 6.5 - 12 volts. I had to set the gain to the max to get 6.5 volts right away. Some people say discs have lag but I have my Jordan set so the trailer leads the truck so I don't get lag. I have $1800 in parts. Craig