Forum Discussion

thebrain48's avatar
Jul 17, 2016

Domani 5th Wheel Concerns

Bought a Domani by Carriage last September. Large slider has given us lots of problems (off track, chain broke etc.).
Now the repair shop says the motor is slow and should be replaced.
Has anyone else with a Domani out there had similar problems?
  • I went out and timed my living room slide; 50 seconds to extend, 47 seconds to retract. It isn't near as fast as the bedroom slide. I'm thinking this is normal but I've never compared it to another 38" deep slide. Maybe mine is slow too!
  • Thank you for all the suggestions. We figured out that the chain may have broken because we opened the slider when it was still hitched to the truck, so it was not level and this may have put stress on the chains. The slider moves slowly but is working. Repairs cost us $800. The shop said the engine for slider was slow and recommending replacement but they could not find any engine to match. So we are using as is. It does work just slowly but we are thinking based on other comments that this is the way to works. Thanks for the comment on not adding much weight to the slide out section. We have begun to do the same and never open the slider unless the trailer is level first.
  • On 5/16/16 JVINCENT started a post stating a problem with the Domani large slide. His support rollers were not functioning and they had to push on the slide to get it in faster. You may want to send him a private message to find out how he resolved the issue.
  • Carriage has had some slide issues wit the motors and the mounting. Best to get it to a good former Carriage dealer. The slide parts are still available and it can be fixed.

  • Ours is a 2008 and we don't have slide problems. When retracting, the first third of travel is up hill and will be slower than the rest of the travel. We try to not load a bunch of weight under the couch and in the slide overhead cabinets. Hope you end up enjoying your Domani as much as we do.

    I joined the Carriage forum and found it to be lacking especially compared to this forum. There was very little Domani specific information and all the events were East Coast based. Cancelled out after a year. If I remember right, it cost $20 to join.
  • We have an 2008 Domain, never had the 1st issue.what year and model?
  • I would suspect there is too much friction on the slide first before I changed the motor.