sgreene_1963 wrote:
Thank you for your feedback on this issue. I will try the suggestion with the termistor just to rule this out as a possibility but believe you're correct on the clogged cooling unit. It is ironic that the refer has been at the dealership (service) since mid-February and still not failed. It did the same thing last fall when I had it there then for them to diagnose the issue.
Rig at dealer since mid-Feb .....have they been running fridge since them or just ran it for a day and called it good?
12 hrs. of operation fridge may initially cool down properly (freezer & food section) but food section can gradually increase in temps 24 to 48 hrs. later due to blockage.
So IF fridge has NOT been in service 2 days or more then cooling unit has NOT be really tested as to whether or not it is good