travelnutz wrote:
This subject of "double towing" really gets my dander up for reasons. We go to Florida from Michigan for a couple months every year and see gobs of triple RV units on the roads and Interstates there even though everyone who posts regarding Florida laws says that Florida doesn't allow it. BS! We have also triple towed ourselves many years. Never once seen a truck/5th wheel/second trailer pulled over and have been behind these passing state police/highway patrol, sheriffs, state motor carrier enforcement, and local police. Not one ever pulled over! We have noticed that none of the triple tows has had Florida license plates of the ones we could see the plates well enough. Florida and Alabama do have reciprocity (reciprocal) and so does Michigan and the other states we go thru on the trip however Georgia doesn't and so we go thru Alabama. Even a Florida Highway Patrol desk sargent etc told us it would be OK for us to do when I stopped to ask. Reciprocity has to be the reason!
BTW, being honest, we were stopped in the Keys (Long Key) when towing our 5th wheel and an 18' Searay boat behind on US-1 back in 1995 by a Monroe County Sheriff and all he said at first was "you look awful long". After being a real jsrk for a while and then rolling his measuring wheel 3 times, he asked me if I knew how long we were. I said yes and that I'm less than the max allowed. I asked twice what the legal length was and he never asnwered. I doubt he even knew! I won't write all the dumb stuff that came out of his mouth during the 45+ minutes he held us but after I asked him "what's wrong?" he went back, jumped in his vehicle, did a "U" turn on Long Key Bridge and sped off. NO ticket, no warnings, nothing but mouth! Yes, we were really steamed and complained to the office in Marathon the next day and they just brushed us off.
How do you think I feel. I live in Oregon, and besides WA to the north every state around us allows double tow. Now that sucks. If I lived closer to the south or east border I would dbl tow. But as it is I have to drive roughly 300 miles across the state.