Forum Discussion

4x4ord's avatar
Explorer III
May 20, 2020

Double towing

Even if I don't agree with a law I can usually at least understand the reasoning behind why a law is put in place, but, the no double towing law that BC and some states have is something I can't even imagine a reason for? Does the no double towing law actually get enforced? Have any of you who double tow successfully double towed across no double tow states without being ticketed? Has anyone been ticketed for trying?
  • I've double towed before but made sure the states I passed through was legal. Travel trailer with jet ski trailer behind. Since I sold the jet ski no more need to double tow.
  • Why does it have to be "a cop having a bad day" to enforce the law? Please explain to this retired police sergeant why I would be having a bad day for doing what I'm paid to do, for doing my job?

    Here in AZ double towing is legal if the the lead trailer is a 5th wheel. I recently saw a truck pulling a bumper pull trailer pulling a bumper pull trailer in violation of AZ law. If I was still a cop I most definitely would have pulled that person over and dealt with the violation. I'm not saying an automatic ticket but I wouldn't let it go by. I wasn't the type of cop to let things go by.
  • Stopped? No. But I have stopped a few, ticketed them, and made them drop the 2nd trailer. Retired LEO. You wouldn't believe some of the combinations I've stopped.
    Asking "who has been stopped" doesn't tell anything. 99 others may have been but because the 1 hasn't doesn't tell anything.
    And just because a person has done it without getting stopped doesn't mean a thing. We had a saying in LE. "Did you ever go fishing? Did you catch them all?"
  • I have done it several times and needed to pass through states that it isnt allowed without any issues. Ive been told from several that as long as your set up appears safe and within weight limits most will allow you to pass through. Of course you may encounter a cop having a bad day, but its worth the time in my opinion.
  • I don't think I've ever read on about anyone personally stopped and/or ticketed for double towing. Some have second or third hand stories about being stopped. I double towed through several states in the East that don't allow double towing and was never given a second glance. But I was towing a swivel-wheel type trailer and that seems to confuse the issue. YTMMV.
  • I am sure the answer ranges to both extremes. Some have made it without being ticketed, some have been stopped ticketed, and split up and made to tow one at a time. So do you feel lucky?