Y-Guy wrote:
We sold our Raptor and went to a smaller motorhome. Advantage for us was no more restroom stops, and no more tail wagging the dog. Also allowed me to not only tow our ATVs on a trailer but eventually our Boat and now our Jeep.
Just something to think about and consider as you look for another option.
We have kicked the MH idea around a bit. I guess what bothers me about the MH is once you get there and set up camp, you are 'there'. We like to travel around a bit, see the sights, maybe go into town for a meal here and there. So that leaves me pulling a vehicle + the toys, which in my mind means Super C or diesel pusher. I'm struggling with that kind of $$$ commit... I do think the MH would make the actual journey much more tolerable as the kids could be more entertained. But on the other hand I'm trying to simplify and make camping "grab and go" and a MH seems counter to that.