It's hard to set facts and figures on the DRV because of the way they build them. If you order one from the factory you basically "build" your unit to YOUR specs. All of your options that you decide to add or delete determine what the finished unit will weigh. I would think the length, width and height would stay the same and the same but not the weight.
I called DRV when they started to build ours because I was concerned I didn't have a proper weight rated hitch. They gave me a "ball park" figure but they said it was just an estimate and that it probably would be heavier depending on our options. As it turns out it was heavier than they first told me but at least I had an idea of where it was going.
I hope this helps. I'd urge you to call DRV in person and have them explain the whole thing to you, you'd have a better understanding.
We love our new trailer!!