Forum Discussion

irishtom29's avatar
Oct 14, 2018

DRV Mobile Suite Opinions Solicited

We’re considering buying a new 5W and considering a DRV Mobile Suite. I’m soliciting opinions of the Mobile and Elite Suites based on experience.
  • I would agree in buying at Rolling Retreats, have always heard great reviews about them. We were dead set on a DRV but was not liking the stories about poor quality since the Thor takeover, we ended up with the new River Stone Legacy from Forest River and have been very pleased with it, very little issues to speak of, it has never had a need to return to the dealer and any little issues that did come up I could handle myself. Check them out to compare I think you might be surprised. Good luck on your search and decision
  • Bought a used 2007.5 36’ MS. Really liked it and lived full time in it over 4 years. Figured what we liked and wanted different. Drove from NW WA to Rolling Retreats 1/1/2015 and went over what we wanted over three days with Alicia. Came to an agreement on trade and final price.

    I can’t emphasize enough how great her and her Husband are!!!

    Our new rig is a 2016 MS 39TKSB3 that has MANY modifications with many Elite Suites items. To be honest some of the elite items are too gaudy for our taste.

    Ours was delivered to WA from RR because I could not get away. So at one year we went to DRV to have our punch list taken care of.

    I HIGHLY advise buying from RR and staying at their facility for a few days to have THEM TAKE CARE OF ANY ISSUES!!!!!!!!

    By doing so you will be a much happier camper and they will NOT give you the run around.
  • jpjulian wrote:
    Purchased a new 2018 MS 04/18. Nice pretty unit. Our is a 39DBRS3. Before you buy look closely at the build quality. On the initial shakedown overnight we had poor heat in the upper bath area. Also, the shower wasn't properly caulked and leaked during use. On the way home the TV fell off its mounting as well as the fireplace from the drawer it was mounted to. That same drawer needed repair and the glide hardware has broken and will need to be replaced in the future. One issue you won't be able to see but will need to investigate is the ceiling fan. Ours was attached to the ceiling with 6 staples rather than screws and glue. The Kantleak water manifold in our unit is leaking badly and I'm in the process of trying to obtain replacement parts. Under sink plumbing in the kitchen island came undone causing a messy leak. Visit as well as for additional information. Look beyond the pretty and at how it is built. I believe build quality may have suffered since Thor purchased DRV.


    Yikes, I've looked at several DRV units over the years and considered them to be top quality. I think you may be right in that things have changed since Thor took over.
  • Purchased a new 2018 MS 04/18. Nice pretty unit. Our is a 39DBRS3. Before you buy look closely at the build quality. On the initial shakedown overnight we had poor heat in the upper bath area. Also, the shower wasn't properly caulked and leaked during use. On the way home the TV fell off its mounting as well as the fireplace from the drawer it was mounted to. That same drawer needed repair and the glide hardware has broken and will need to be replaced in the future. One issue you won't be able to see but will need to investigate is the ceiling fan. Ours was attached to the ceiling with 6 staples rather than screws and glue. The Kantleak water manifold in our unit is leaking badly and I'm in the process of trying to obtain replacement parts. Under sink plumbing in the kitchen island came undone causing a messy leak. Visit as well as for additional information. Look beyond the pretty and at how it is built. I believe build quality may have suffered since Thor purchased DRV.

  • Every Suites I've seen is top of the line. Not many can compare with their 3 1/2" sidewalls and heavy construction.

  • No direct experience of DRV, but have you considered a VanLeigh 5er? Either Vilano or Beacon.