Cummins 12V98:
you must remember that when comparing an Excel Winslow to Mobile Suites weight wise, it is really an apples to oranges comparison.
A more apt comparison would be to compare weights of an Excel Limited to Mobile Suites, which I think one would find are much more of a similar product.
Mind you, the Winslow's are very, very nice fivers. The major obvious difference between the Winslow's and the Limited's is the roof. Winslow's use a, call it regular for lack of a better word, roof, with the new Rhino lining available.
Limited's use a full fiberglass roof, which does add much more weight to the trailer. I've been browsing, and most of the Limited's I have looked on list a GVWR for the trailer in the 18,000 range, which places them right with Mobile Suites for weight.