My neighbor has one. It is approx. 6 mo old. They delivered the wrong size bed to begin with and it had to go back to get a different bed. He then had a problem with the front overhang seams coming separated. He had a leveling problem but I do not know any details of that issue. He recently (last week) had a leak from his grey water tank under the shower.
He has to pull it 250 miles for warranty service since the only dealer that will work on it, is the one that delivered it. He tried to get service in San Antonio and the dealer said he would have to wait 3 months before they could work on it, even though the factory authorized the fix.
He seems overall happy with the unit but after each trip it has a problem of some kind. He does live in it for extended periods at remote work sites and pulls it with a 1 ton Ram diesel SRW.