Mamacast wrote:
Traveler II wrote:
There is a learning curve for any hitch. In the past we've had a Reese, moved up to a B&W and three years ago bought our Trailer Saver air hitch. Each was better but we really like the Trailer Saver for the way we RV. We have two sticks with a magnets, we put one on the hitch and one on the pin and it make it easy to like
up, works with any hitch, and I can do it by myself. We always do a pull test, put the brakes on the trailer and let the truck pull forward a bit to make sure the hitch is hooked up properly; you do this with any hitch. We had motor homes before the fiver and I find it is easier to hook up the trailer than hooking up the tow car to the MH.
Of course that sent me down the youtube rabbit hole to see how this magnet thing works :E How difficult is the TrailerSaver hitch to unhook and how heavy is it to remove from the truck? The Anderson is appealing because of the light weight, hadn't thought about that aspect.
it is real easy to hook up, back into it and make sure you are compressing the bags. To un-hook, pull the arm and lift the trailer so there is no weight on the bags. We have the BigFoot system so it's easy to do. The hitch is heavy, but for us we travel 6-8 months a year, when we aren't RVing the truck is in the garage, so I just leave it in the bed. I do have a chain hoist if I'm by myself or my son and I can remove it if need be. An Air hitch takes a lot of stress off both the trailer, truck and for those of us in the truck. The other thing is they are pricey.