Forum Discussion

Rwake901's avatar
Jul 19, 2019

Electric brakes self adjusting?

I have a 2019 Keystone Avalanche fifth wheel with Dexter 7000 lb axles drum brakes. Does anyone know if they are self adjusting or if I need to manually adjust them? If they are self adjusting do they work like the old drum brakes on cars that adjusts when you back up and apply them? Thanks for the advice
  • fitznj wrote:
    Crawl underneath and take a look at the backing plate:
    If you see a couple of oval rubber bungs at the bottom of the backing
    plate then they are not self-adjusting. If there are no bungs then your
    brakes are self-adjusting.

    They self adjust going forward.

    There are two openings at the bottom but I’m not seeing an adjustment wheel in the opening. I think I’m just going to have to pull a wheel and hub when we get home. The brakes work but they don’t seem like they do much.
  • Crawl underneath and take a look at the backing plate:
    If you see a couple of oval rubber bungs at the bottom of the backing
    plate then they are not self-adjusting. If there are no bungs then your
    brakes are self-adjusting.

    They self adjust going forward.
  • Not a big deal to pull one hub. Easy to see the self adjust cable then.

  • My guess, and strictly a guess, is that yours are self-adjusting brakes. Mine on a 2010 Fuzion with 7,000 lb. axles are self-adjusting, so you stand a good chance of it. And yes, they self-adjust while moving forward, backward, but not sideways.

    You can get the axles specs off the tag on the axle, submit that info to Dexter, and they will tell you the specifics of your axle, which may include references to self-adjusting brakes. Mine did not, so I found out when I pulled a hub and checked.
  • Best answer I can give is 'maybe'. You'll just have to consult your manual or pull a drum and look. Pretty sure most are manually adjusted, mine are.
  • It may be hard to tell by looking at outside of hubs, but seems like some had two adjusting holes. You do not need to back up, they will adjust going forward. May be some info on axle placard.
