In general "Lite" trailers have thin walls. Our previous trailer was a 07 JayFlight, a lightweight model. It was hard to heat in near freezing temperatures, and also hard to cool in summer. In fact if you weren't parked in the shade the AC couldn't keep up above 90. The other thing that we found was that because the walls were so thin, the 110 electric outlets were placed in awkward places. Not really where we wanted or were used to them.
As for the Elkridge. A medium Profile 30'-35' trailer should pull ok with a 250/2500 gas truck. It has good sized tanks and good carry capacity. What would stop me from buying would be the 4400# axles, 5200# is the minimum I would have. The 30-amp electric would also make me think hard.
As mentioned above all trucks are about the same size, unless you get a DRW. For pulling 5th wheels you will need a 250/2500 truck, towing 5th wheels is about the carrying capacity of the truck. If you just have to have a 150/1500 or smaller look at Travel Trailers.