We bought a Jayco HT 26.5 RLS about three years ago and it is, indeed, a light trailer with a total capacity of 9,950 according to Jayco. However, in the literature we got it specifically said this type of FW was not acceptable for full-timing. Tow things come to mind, one is the available space. Ours is about 30' long with two slides. On a 20-day trip last year, it was more than adequate for our purposes, but I do think it would be a little tight for full-timing. It might be doable, but not spacious. Might get on each other's nerves in this size of space. Second is that these FWs are not built quite as stout as the full-timing FWs, like the Premier or the Pinnacle in the Jayco line. Their frame probably has bigger I-beams and the cupboards, appliances, countertops, etc. are most certainly going to be closer to top-shelf than the ones in my FW. I do think the FWs with "arctic" packages are probably going to be as protected from cold and heat as are the higher end ones, but I really doubt you will be full-timing in Alaska for a long period of time. If you are planning on full-timing in the south, just make sure you get the second AC and you should be fine.