If you compare The Cedar Creek Hathaway to the Cedar Creek Silverback, this would give you a better comparo. Same company and name, but different designs. Inside furnishings are the same and are of good quality and workmanship. The Silverbacks have cathedral ceilings which help differentiate itself from the Hathaway's. Hathaway's have a swing up curbside basement door, Silverbacks open back to front. Hathaway have a flat basement floor, Silverback doesn't (used to--and told by having a raised floor in basement of the Silverback also helps keeps cost down due to not having a drop frame floor). Hathaway has a divider at dock station to aid in the separation of the docking station and basement, Silverback doesn't. Despite the design differences, Cedar Creek is rated tops in the FR line and that the Silverback doesn't have as many bells and whistles as the Hathaway and the Silverback is "marketed as the entry level CC". Compare the CC's to other FR's 5ers and see for yourself. We owned a Silverback BH for 12 years and was a jem. With the kids gone (or just about), it served it's usefulness for us and decided to upgrade. Wanted another Silver, but didn't care for their floorplans and wife didn't like some designs in the Hathaway's. Still, all in all, I'd rate the CC's as "high end", with Cardinal right below it. and others below that.
FR has come out w/ some new lines and very few models targeted moreso for full timers. Best thing to do and I think was suggested is to go look at the units and write down what you like/don't like and then make a list once home.